Katie Runkel, Director of Music
Katie joined Summit of Peace in June 2013. She has her master's degree in Vocal Performance from the Peabody Institute at the John's Hopkin's University. Katie hail's from the West Coast - growing up in California and Arizona. She got her Bachelor's degree at Chapman University, a stone's throw from Disneyland - and yes, she had an annual pass.
Katie has been engaged in worship music since a young age, and started to cantor in services at the age of 14. Katie assists with worship ministries at Summit, programming music for services, hiring musicians, operating sound/tech, programming children's church curriculum and content, as well as assisting with nursery operations. Katie is also one of the Director's of Camp Summit, Summit of Peace's low-cost summer camp for ages 3-11.
Katie is married to David Runkel, who serves Summit of Peace as a pastoral assistant while pursuing his SMP through Concordia St. Louis. Katie and David have two very active and energetic boys - Nolan and Connor. 303-452- 0448 KR@SummitofPeace.org